This scheme of 10 two, three and four bedroomed family houses was delivered to meet a shortfall of affordable homes within the area for Bolton at Home. The site is close to a series of open spaces and forms part of a designated ‘green corridor’ running to the north of Bolton.
The dwellings respect the urban grain of the existing surrounding residential development while at the same time creating an interesting modern street scene. The design of the elevations incorporates a series of feature elements to create variety and provide some contrast with the existing houses. Detail features and areas of contrasting brick have been designed around key windows and at entrances. Natural surveillance has been integrated within the design creating a sense of place within the scheme.
The majority of the existing established trees have been retained alongside new landscaping to enhance the presence of the ‘green corridor’. The dwellings are designed to meet Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3 and the scheme boasts green landscaped frontages to reflect the local green space located opposite the houses.