The scheme provides 64 no. one and two bed retirement living apartments. The brownfield site offered several planning led challenges due to its Employment Land designation and the presence of two large gas mains. Successful planning approval was achieved for new residential development following completion of a Social Needs Report which high lighted an extreme need for housing in the area for people over the age of 65. Additionally, the proposed design incorporated a small drive-through coffee outlet which, alongside the residential accommodation, established a viable scheme.
The project also integrated various aspects of sustainable design in the form of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System, which incorporated a swale set within a high-quality landscape scheme. The project commenced prior to the publication of the Future Homes Standard and the Government’s Net Zero Strategy, however, renewable energy systems were given key consideration. Primarily the orientation and internal design provides the opportunity for the interior to benefit from sunlight, daylight and natural ventilation, creating a comfortable and attractive environment for the residents.